Charles C. DiMaggio - Margaret  M. D'Angelo
(Calogero DiMaggio) - .                                   .

1904 - 1973  ---  1902 - 1975

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Charles C. DiMaggio
Charles was born 1904, in Torretto, Sicilia.  His mother & father had gone back to Sicily for a family visit.  He came to the USA when he was under 2 years old.  As a young man, he attended school in NYC.
Charles enlisted in the Air Corps in 1943. 
He trained at Camp Upton, FL. In early 1944 he got out, and joined the Merchant Marines until the end of the war.
Some of Charles' children and grandchildren
top: Sammy, Maryann, Richie, Ronald
mid: Jeanne, Junie, Chubby,
Elizabeth, Linda
Front: Gracie, Janice
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note: Jeannie, Janice, Ronald are Richie's children,  Linda is Gracies' daughter, and Elizabeth is Sammy's Wife.
Charles Son 
Frank (Chubby) DiMaggio
his Navy years


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